Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Bhagavad Gita 1:1

The Bhagavad Gita (Sanskritभगवद्गीताbhagavad-gītā in IASTSanskrit pronunciation: [ˈbʱaɡəʋəd̪ ɡiːˈt̪aː]; lit. "Song of the Lord"[1]), often referred to as simply the Gita, is a 700[2][3] verse Hindu scripture in Sanskrit that is part of the Hindu epic Mahabharata (chapters 23–40 of the 6th book of Mahabharata).
The Gita is set in a narrative framework of a dialogue between Pandava prince Arjuna and his guide and charioteer Lord Krishna. Facing the duty as a warrior to fight the Dharma Yudhha or righteous war between Pandavas and Kauravas, Arjuna is counselled by Lord Krishna to "fulfill his Kshatriya(warrior) duty as a warrior and establish Dharma."[4] Inserted[4] in this appeal to kshatriya dharma (chivalry)[5] is "a dialogue ... between diverging attitudes concerning methods toward the attainment of liberation (moksha)".[6]
The Bhagavad Gita presents a synthesis[7][8] of the concept of Dharma,[7][8][9] theistic bhakti,[10][9] the yogic ideals[8] of moksha[8] through jnanabhaktikarma, and Raja Yoga (spoken of in the 6th chapter)[10] and Samkhya philosophy.[web 1][note 1]
Numerous commentaries have been written on the Bhagavad Gita with widely differing views on the essentials. Vedanta commentators read varying relations between Self and Brahman in the text: Advaita Vedanta sees the non-dualism of Atman (soul) and Brahman as its essence,[11] whereas Bhedabheda and Vishishtadvaita see Atman and Brahman as both different and non-different, and Dvaita sees them as different. The setting of the Gitain a battlefield has been interpreted as an allegory for the ethical and moral struggles of the human life.
The Bhagavad Gita's call for selfless action inspired many leaders of the Indian independence movement including Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi referred to the Gita as his "spiritual dictionary".[12]

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Can Agnihotra prevent the effect of nuclear radiation?

Agnihotra: The solution to prevent effect of nuclear radiation !


Can Agnihotra prevent the effect of nuclear radiation?

‘Over the next decade, there will be a third world war where an estimated 1/3rd of the world’s population (i.e., over 2 billion people) will perish. Millions more will die due to the pollution caused by the nuclear fallout.’
- H.H. Dr. Athavale (30 Sep 2007)
Imagine this. A nuclear device has just been detonated in your city. For those of us who are within the initial blast radius they would not know what happened as they would be obliterated before they had time to register that a nuclear device had been detonated. Scientists say that these people would actually be the lucky ones. People a few more kilometres away from the blast would suffer from burns or exposure to radioactive material which could have immediate to long lasting detrimental effects on them and their family. At this point a few things would be going through their mind
  • I have just seen a weapon of mass destruction detonate which shelter can I run to?
  • Could I have prepared better for this eventuality and saved my family and myself?

Table of contents

1. Introduction

In many articles on the Internet, the ritual of Agnihotra has been promoted as a simple ritual that helps to minimise the adverse impact of nuclear radiation. The statement peaked our interest, because for modern science this is a fantastic proposition: that a simple ritual done at sunrise and sunset along with the recitation of a mantra can actually quell the harmful effects of nuclear fallout. This ritual also becomes especially relevant with some other information we have received through spiritual research about the coming times.
Most people do not know that there are measures that can be taken at a spiritual level, along with efforts at a psychological and physical level to defend oneself against a nuclear attack. This article expands on the measures we can take at a spiritual level to protect ourselves from the effects of a nuclear attack and for the prevention of it occurring.
Read article on spiritual research | View tutorial on Spiritual Research

2. Protection from a nuclear attack on a person performing Agnihotra

Information for this section has been sourced from Effects of Nuclear Explosions by Mr. Carey Sublette In addition we have used the Nuclear Weapon Effects Calculator which is based on scaling laws printed in Carey Sublette's well-known Nuclear Weapons FAQ to help give perspective on the benefits of Agnihotra.
Nuclear explosions produce both immediate and delayed destructive effects.
  • Immediate effects (blast, thermal radiation, prompt ionizing radiation) are produced and cause significant destruction within seconds or minutes of a nuclear detonation.
  • The delayed effects (radioactive fallout and other possible environmental effects) inflict damage over an extended period ranging from hours to centuries, and can cause adverse effects in locations very distant from the site of the detonation.
Damage caused by nuclear explosions can vary greatly depending on the weapon’s yield (measured in kilotons or megatons), the type of nuclear fuel used, the design of the device, whether it is exploded in the air or on Earth’s surface, the geography surrounding the target, and whether it is winter or summer, hazy or clear, night or day, windy or calm. Whatever the factors, though, the explosion will release several distinct forms of energy as given in the immediate and delayed effects above.
The following picture shows the predicted effect of a 1 megaton nuclear bomb exploding and the distance of the impact of the various forms of energy. It also shows the level of destruction/level of protection that would be experienced in case of a person at the 50% spiritual level practicing Agnihotra regularly.
Let us now look a little more closely at each of these energy types and the level of protection that the ritual of Agnihotra can provide. (Source: Spiritual research conducted by SSRF)
  1. The Blast: Much of the damage (approx 50%) inflicted by a nuclear explosion is the result of its shock wave. The blast wave pressure deposits energy in the material it passes through, including air. When the blast wave passes through solid material, the energy left behind causes damage.
    Level of protection within the blast radius gained by a person who performs Agnihotra : 0%
  2. The Thermal Radiation: Along with the blast approximately 30-50% of the energy of the destruction is due to thermal radiation. Even if one is many miles away from the blast, one is able to view a bright flash created by the exploding bomb. In addition to being intensely bright, this radiation is intensely hot (hence the name “thermal”). At 7 km away from the source of the blast one will experience third degree burns. Third degree burns cause tissue death all the way through the skin, including the stem cells required to regenerate skin tissue. A third degree burn over 25% of the body (or more) will typically precipitate shock in minutes that would require prompt medical attention.
    Level of protection gained by a person who performs Agnihotra within the thermal radiation radius : 30%
  3. The Ionizing Radiation: A nuclear detonation creates several forms of nuclear or ionizing radiation. The nuclear fission (atom splitting) and nuclear fusion (atom combining) that occur to produce the explosion release, either directly or indirectly, neutrons, gamma rays, beta particles, and alpha particles. (In the case of a 1 megaton explosion the effect of ionizing radiation (measured at 500 rems) is estimated to be 3.1 km from ground zero.)
    1. Neutrons are heavy particles that are released from atoms’ nuclei. These tiny “missiles” can easily penetrate solid objects.
    2. Another penetrating form of radiation is gamma rays, which are energetic photons. Both of these types of radiation can be deadly.
    3. Beta and alpha particles are less dangerous, having ranges of several meters and several centimetres, respectively.
    4. Alpha particles can cause harm only if they are ingested.
    Level of protection within the radius of ionization radiation gained by a person who performs Agnihotra : 0%
  4. Fallout: One of the effects of nuclear weapons detonated on or near the Earth’s surface is the resulting radioactive fallout. Immediately after the detonation, a great deal of earth and debris, made radioactive by the blast, is carried high into the atmosphere forming a mushroom cloud. The material drifts downwind and gradually falls back to earth, contaminating thousands of square miles. The larger the explosion, the higher and faster the fallout is lofted, and the smaller the proportion that is deposited in the lower atmosphere. This fallout can continue to impact residents in the area and far off areas for many years.
    Level of protection within fallout radius gained by a person who performs Agnihotra : 50%

3. Spiritual research showing the mechanism behind Agnihotra

All of the events that happen on Earth are because the basic building blocks of creation are utilised. These basic building blocks are the five Absolute Cosmic Elements. It is only through one or more of these elements, that any event in the Universe is possible. The Absolute Cosmic element that is predominant in the case of a nuclear device being detonated, is the Absolute Fire Element (Tej Tattva).
When a nuclear device is detonated, it gives rise to raja-tama predominant vibrations of the Absolute Cosmic Fire element. Discordant subtle sounds accompany these frequencies. These subtle sounds have a subtle harmful effect on the mind and intellect of the people in the vicinity of the nuclear attack. It can range from depression, to negative thoughts, to fogging up of the intellect.
When the ritual of Agnihotra is performed, it gives rise to sattva predominant vibrations of the Absolute Cosmic Fire element. The fire created from Agnihotra disintegrates the raja-tama particles and therefore purifies the environment at a spiritual level. It also creates a subtle protective sheath around the person performing the ritual. This sheath is highly sensitive to anything related to the Absolute Cosmic Fire element and from the subtle dimension this sheath looks reddish.
The raja-tama predominant Absolute Cosmic Fire particles (emanating from a nuclear device detonating) strike in a very harsh and callous manner. The protective sheath intuitively knows in advance when they are coming near it and as a reflex action it sends the Absolute Cosmic Fire frequencies from within it towards the raja-tama predominant particles with tremendous force. This destroys the raja-tama predominant Absolute Cosmic Fire particles which give rise to the sound frequencies. As a result, the destructive Absolute Cosmic Fire from the detonated nuclear device loses its power.

3.1 What decides the effectiveness of the Agnihotra ritual during a nuclear holocaust?

It is important to keep in mind that the protection levels that are being discussed are in a nuclear holocaust environment. Therefore, the benefit that the ritual of Agnihotra can provide, is severely restricted compared to a peace-time scenario.

3.1.1 As per spiritual level and attitude of the person

When a person performs Agnihotra, there are a few factors that come into play, that define the efficacy of the ritual in neutralising the effect of nuclear radiation .
The table below shows the effect on a person (depending on his spiritual level and spiritual attitude or state) while performing the ritual of Agnihotra.

Spiritual Level
Attitude of performing
Doing it as ritualistic worship as just an act
Doing it with spiritual emotion and devotion
Doing it with surrender
Area of the protective sheath in feet
Purification of the environment in %
Duration of the effect
1 hour
2 hours
8 hours
  • Spiritual level:
    • The spiritual level of a person is the most important aspect.
    • In the case of a nuclear bomb explosion, in practical terms, only a person above the 50% spiritual level is able to access any substantial protection by performing the ritual of Agnihotra. The benefit reduces as the spiritual level of the person performing the ritual decreases. A person of average spiritual level (20-30%) will gain negligible protection benefit from performing the ritual Agnihotra.
    • As the spiritual level becomes more, the need for performing the ritual becomes less as the spiritual level becomes the key criteria for protection of the person.
    • In the case of Saints they would get a thought to move away from the area before the bomb explodes.
  • Importance of spiritual practice: The only way to increase one’s spiritual level is by doing spiritual practice that adheres to the six basic principles of spiritual practice. By undertaking the right type of spiritual practice, it is possible for a person to make rapid growth in one lifetime.
  • Attitude while performing the ritual
    • When one does a ritual with the attitude of spiritual emotion and devotion, the effect and benefit from the ritual is multiplied.
    • The effect is even greater when one performs the ritual in the spiritual state of surrender to God.
    • On average, only seekers above the spiritual level of 50% have the spiritual capability to perform the ritual with spiritual emotion.

3.1.2 Person performing versus the person observing the ritual:

The person performing the ritual gets more benefit from the ritual as opposed to a person observing the ritual. The ritual is mainly for an individual’s protection. However, if the person observing the ritual does so with the attitude that he himself is performing the ritual with the appropriate level of spiritual emotion, then he too will gain the same benefit and protection.

4. Role of spiritual practice and spiritual level in protection against a nuclear attack

The major events that happen in a person’s life are primarily due to their destiny as per the law of karma. The best way to overcome adverse destiny (which is a spiritual problem) is by doing spiritual practice.
By doing appropriate levels of spiritual practice, one can overcome destiny. For example, of one has medium destiny, then only an intense amount of spiritual practice (of around 10-12 hours a day) only can overcome it. If one however has severe destiny, only the grace of a Saint can help in overcoming the destiny.
Even if one, as per their destiny, has to die in the coming times then, due to their spiritual practice at least a negative impression of fear is not created in the seeker's mind as they go to the afterlife. For a person not doing any form of spiritual practice, suffering and then dying after a weapon of mass destruction is detonated, scars their sub-conscious mind with impressions of fear which may sometimes take lifetimes to overcome.

5. Summary

  • Spiritual level of the person performing the ritual of Agnihotra is a key aspect in deciding its potency.
  • We urge relevant authorities in various countries to help people begin their spiritual practice and along with that the ritual of Agnihotra to minimise the damage from a nuclear holocaust.
  • Spiritual practice, to be effective, needs to conform to the 6 basic principles of spiritual practice.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Nirvaana Shatkam

1. Manobuddhyahankara Chittani Naham
Na Cha Srotrajihve Na Cha Ghrananetre
Na Cha Vyoma Bhumirna Tejo Na Vayuh:
Chidanandarupah!!! Sivoham Sivoham !!!

I am not the petty Mind, I am not the proud intellect;
Neither the mighty Ego, nor the minute thought am I.
Touch and hearing, taste and seeing, I am not these sensual feelings;
Am not the element of earth , Am not the elusive ether; 
Neither the fierce fire, nor the wailing wind am I.
I am Truth, Consciousness, Divine Bliss!
I am The Shiva, The Shiva am I 

2. Na Cha Pranasamjno Na Vai Panchavayur
Na Va Saptadhaturna Va Panchakosah
Na Vak Panipadam Nachopasthapayoo:
Chidanandarupah!!! Sivoham Sivoham!!!

I am not the vigorous breath, I am not the vital airs;
Neither the ailing elements, nor the astral sheaths am I.
Organs of action and chain reaction,
Hands, feet and mouth in conversation,
None of these depraved organs am I.
I am Truth, Consciousness, Divine Bliss,
I am the Shiva, The Shiva am I

3. Na Me Dvesharagau Na Me Lobhamohau
Mado Naiva Me Naiva Matsaryabhavah,
Na Dharmo Na Chartho Na Kamo Na Mokshah:
Chidanandarupah!!! Sivoham Sivoham!!!

I am bound to no worldly attachment
I am averse to no earthly entrapment
Greed, envy, vanity, aversion; These phantoms bind me not to delusion
I aspire not, for duty, nor to acquire property
Not even cherish the desire, for eternal liberty;
Cause I am Truth, Consciousness, Divine Bliss,
I am the Shiva, The Shiva am I

4. Na Punyam Na Papam Na Saukhyam Na Duhkham
Na Mantro Na Tirtham Na Veda Na Yajnah
Aham Bhojanam Naiva Bhojyam Na Bhokta:
Chidanandarupah!!! Sivoham Sivoham!!!

Unaffected by virtue, untouched by vice
I feel no pleasure; I face no pain;
No magic chants empower me; No mystic places purify me
I am not the dogma, nor the doctrines
Or the sacred fire of pilgrims 
I am not the sensuous, I am not the sense 
Sensuality to me is utter nonsense;
Cause I am Truth, Consciousness, Divine Bliss,
I am the Shiva, The Shiva am I

5. Na Mrityur Nashanka Na Me Jatibhedah
Pita Naiva Me Naiva Matascha Janma
Na Bandhurnamitrau Gururnaiva Shishyah:
Chidanandarupah!!! Sivoham Slvoham!!!

Frivolous doubts assail me never, Fear of death banished forever;
No pride of castes, no prejudice of creeds, No father or mother bore me by their deeds
I am no friend, I am no foe;
Neither the Teacher, nor the taught am I;
I am Truth, Consciousness, Divine Bliss,
I am the Shiva, The Shiva am I

6. Aham Nirvikalpo Nirakararupo
Vibhutvatcha Sarvatra Sarvendriyanam
Na Cha Sangatam Naiva Muktirnameyah:
Chidanandarupah!!! Sivoham Sivoham!!!

Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent am I
The unfathomable, inscrutable Shiva am I
I am Truth, Consciousness, Divine Bliss,
I am the Shiva, The Shiva am I

Ganesha Pancharatnam

Mudakaraatha Modakam Sada Vimukti Saadhakam
Kalaadharaavatamsakam Vilasiloka Rakshakam
Anaaya Kaika Naayakam Vinasitebha Daityakam
Nataasubhasu Naashakam Namaami Tham Vinaayakam.

Meaning: I prostrate before Lord Vinaayaka who joyously holds modaka in His hand, who bestows salvation, who wears the moon as a crown in His head, who is the sole leader of those who lose themselves in the world. The leader of the leaderless who destroyed the elephant demon called Gajaasura and who quickly destroys the sins of those who bow down to Him, I worship such a Lord Ganesh.

Natetaraati Bheekaram Navoditaarka Bhaasvaram
Namat Suraari Nirjanam Nataadhi Kaapa Duddharam
Suresvaram Nidheesvaram Gajesvaram Ganeshvaram
Mahesvaram Samaasraye Paraatparam Nirantaram.

Meaning: I meditate eternally on Him, the Lord of the Ganas, who is frightening to those not devoted, who shines like the morning sun, to whom all the Gods and demons bow, who removes the great distress of His devotees and who is the best among the best.

Samasta Loka Samkaram Nirasta Daitya Kunjaram
Daredarodaram Varam Vare Bhavaktra Maksharam
Krupaakaram Kshamaakaram Mudaakaram Yasaskaram
Manaskaram Namaskrutaam Namaskaromi Bhaasvaram.

Meaning: I bow down with my whole mind to the shining Ganapati who brings happiness to all the worlds, who destroyed the demon Gajasura, who has a big belly, beautiful elephant face, who is immortal, who gives mercy, forgiveness and happiness to those who bow to Him and who bestows fame and a well disposed mind.

Akimchanaarti Marjanam Chirantanokti Bhaajanam
Puraari Poorva Nandanam Suraari Garva Charvanam
Prapancha Naasha Bheeshanam Dhananjayaadi Bhushanam
Kapola Daana Vaaranam Bhajaey Puraana Vaaranam.

Meaning: I worship the ancient elephant God who destroys the pains of the poor, who is the abode of Aum, who is the first son of Lord Shiva (Shiva who is the destroyer of triple cities), who destroys the pride of the enemies of the Gods, who is frightening to look at during the time of world's destruction, who is fierce like an elephant in rut and who wears Dhananjaya and other serpents as his ornaments.

Nitaantikaanta Dantakaanti Mantakaanta Kaatmajam
Achintya Rupa Mantaheena Mantaraaya Krintanam
Hrudantarey Nirantaram Vasantameva Yoginam
Tameka Danta Meva Tam Vichintayaami Santatam.

Meaning: I constantly reflect upon that single tusked God only, whose lustrous tusk is very beautiful, who is the son of Lord Shiva, (Shiva, the God of destruction), whose form is immortal and unknowable, who tears asunder all obstacles, and who dwells forever in the hearts of the Yogis.

Mahaaganesa Pancharatnam Aadarena Yonvaham
Prajapati Prabhaatake Hrudi Smaran Ganesvaram
Arogatham Adoshataam Susaahitim Suputrataam
Samaahitaayu Rastabhootim Abhyupaiti Sochiraat.

Meaning: He who recites this every morning with devotion, these five gems about Lord Ganapati and who remembers in his heart the great Ganesha, will soon be endowed with a healthy life free of blemishes, will attain learning, noble sons, a long life that is calm and pleasant and will be endowed with spiritual and material prosperity.



Text 1

kararavindena padaravindam 
mukharavinde viniveshayantam
vatasya patrasya pute shayanam
balam mukundam manasa smarami

The one who keeps his lotus like feet on his lotus like mouth with his lotus like hand, I think of Balamukundan who sleeps on the vata pathra leaf. (1)
Text 2

samhritya lokan vatapatramadhye
sarveshvaram sarvahitavataram
balam mukundam manasa smarami

The one who sleeps on the vata pathra after the dissolution of the worlds, the one whose form is without beginning or end, the one who is Lord of all, I think of Balamukundan who incarnated for the good of all. (2)
Text 3

balam mukundam manasa smarami

The one who has a beautiful body that is dark like the cerulean blue lotus, the one whose lotus feet is worshipped by Indra and other devas, I think of Balamukundan who is like the kalpaka vriksha tree giving santhana-bagyam to those who bow to Him. (3)
Text 4

lambalakam lambitaharayastim
bimbadharam caruvishalanetram
balam mukundam manasa smarami

The one who has locks of hair falling in front of his face, the one who wears a long hanging chain, the one whose teeth rows shine with the nectar of shringaram, the one whose lips are like the red bimba fruit (kovai), I think of Balamukundan who has long and beautiful eyes. (4)
Text 5

shikye nidhayadya payodadhini
bahirgatayam vrajanayikayam
bhuktva yathestam kapatena suptam
balam mukundam manasa smarami

The time when Yashoda has gone out after keeping milk, curds in the pot, the one who sleeps falsely after eating all this, I think of this Balamukundan. (5)
Text 6

phanagrarange natanapriyantam
tatpucchahastam sharadinduvaktram
balam mukundam manasa smarami

From the rock of Kalindhi, the one who has the desire of dancing on the hoods of the snake kaliyan, the one who has the tip of the tail of kaliyan in his hand, the one whose face is like the moon during sarathrithu (december month), I think of this Balamukundan. (6)
Text 7

ulukhale baddhamudarashauryam
balam mukundam manasa smarami

The one who is tied to a round boulder, the one who is great, the one who has the playfullness of pushing two Maruthamaram (Arjuna-Trees) to the ground, the one who has eyes like a bloomed red lotus, I think of this Balamukundan. (7)
Text 8

alokya maturmukhamadarena
stanyam pibantam sarasiruhaksham
saccinmayam devamanantarupam
balam mukundam manasa smarami

The one who looks affectionately at the mother's face while sucking milk from her breasts, the one who has eyes like the red lotus, the one whose form is Truth, Intelligence and the one who has other forms and is a Lord, I think of this Balamukundan. (8)
- iti sri balamukundastakam samaptam - 
- thus ends the 8-verse hymn called bala-mukunda-astakam -
Source :

A Letter To NASA.....! By Pandit. SurendraKumar Jain

A Letter To NASA.....!
Shadow is not the cause of the Eclipses

   I am the proprietor of ‘Jain Astrological Research Bureau’ and author of'Kalachakra Ephemeris' printed and published by Indian Express Publications (Madurai) Ltd.

   I claim that the Lunar Eclipses are not caused due to the shadow of the Earth, which is seen between the Moon and the Sun during the eclipse. If the shadow were the cause of the Lunar Eclipses then there would have been 12 Lunar Eclipses every year since Lunar Eclipse occurs only on a full Moon day.

   For example, we had two Lunar Eclipses in the year 2005. i.e. on 24-4-2005 and 17-10-2005 which where full Moon days. Hence, I humbly request the scientists to through more light as to the real cause of the Lunar and Solar eclipses. It is crystal clear by the above argument I am presenting to the scientist that every full Moon day there is no Lunar Eclipse that we have been observing in the past or neither this will happen in the future. Similarly, the Solar Eclipse take place on every new Moon day (Amavasya) when the Sun and Moon are in one sign the same longitudes of the Zodiac then there must be 12 Solar Eclipses in a year, which is not posssibe. Then if it not the shadow that cause the eclipses, then what is the explanation that any one could give to the reason that in the year there are only one or two Solar and Lunar eclipses.

   The astrological books clearly say that a child born during eclipse will either be defective or will die. The eclipse not only have a bad effect on human beings but also on animals, birds, 
 causes natural disasters, war, political turmoil and increase in accidents. I have collected some information that strongly supports the idea that eclipse is inauspicious. The Oxford Dictionary gives the meaning of eclipses as the loss of glory and loss of light. The word lunatic has been derived from the word lunar that clearly means the moon directly controls human brain (or the nervous system).

   A few instances of abnormal behavior have been mentioned below. Romania – A mother killed her child born during the eclipse on 23-08-1999 and throws the baby in the bathroom. This was reported in the newspaper. Londan – (Missing Pigeons) “The Solar Eclipse in 24-08-1999 is been blamed in Britain for the disappearance of thousands of homing pigeons. The daily telegraph reported. Members of 3000 club have waited in vain for the return of the birds they sent out in the week of the solar back out amid claims that it scrambled their brains; The newspaper said Paul kitching from Durham had lost 12 of his 30 racing birds. Cairo man strangles his wife too busy watching eclipse. Cairo people watched in helwan an earthquake of 3.6 magnitudes on the richter scale shook the Suez canal area, heightening fear of the eclipse.
Japan – Volcano erupts on island south of Tokyo during Lunar Eclipse a 16-07-2000.

                  I found the explanation given regarding the same matter in,

Why don’t eclipses occur every new Moon?

   Eclipses only occur of the satellite of a planet is located within 0.5 degrees of the plane of the Ecliptic, on a line which passes through the center of the Sun and the Earth. The Moon travels along an orbit which is inclined by 5 degrees to the ecpliptic, on a line which passes through the center of the Sun and the Earth. The Moon travels along an orbit which is inclined by 5 degree to the ecliptic plane, so there are only two opportunities each month when it passes through the plane of the ecliplitic called the ascending and decending nodes. These two points connected to the barycenter of the Earth Moon system (Roughly the center of the Earth) define a line of nodes and eclipses of the Sun and Moon will occur if this line of nodes, co-incides with the line drawn between the center of the Earth and Sun. Again the Moon also has to be within 0.5 degrees of one or the nodes so that the disk of the sun is partially or totally covered in a Solar Eclipse. A similar argument explains why Lunar Eclipses  do not happen every full Moon at the node opposite the Sun from the Earth.

   We can understand by the above argument that a Solar or Lunar Eclipices will occur only when the Sun and Moon passes through the plane of the ecliptic called the ascending and decending nodes. When this is so clear why should we conclude that the shadow is the cause of the eclipse?

   On every full Moon day and new Moon day, the Moon is crossing the plane of the Earth’s orbit just as it is lining up with the Earth and the Sun. Then why is it that an eclipice does not occur? In conclusion the shadow has nothing to do with the eclipses.

   We have noticed in the past as astromers like Claudius Ptolemy, had said that Earth is the center and all the planets including the Sun went around it, this was called, Geocentric Theory. This was believed to be true for 1400 years. Letter Nicolas Copernicus.

   Disproved this theory and brought to light that all planets moved around the Sun in their respective orbits, which give rise to the concept of Helio Centric Theory. Copernicus and Galileo had to fight for the truth to come to light.

   William Herschel in 1781 discovered the sixth planet Uranus up to which time the world only knew of five planets. i.e. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

   Pluto was discovered as a planet, but latter on disproved the sixth planet Uranus up to which time the world only knew of five planets any more.

   We can see from the above changes that the more the research we do, more the truth comes to light. I hope the Scientists, Scholars, Thinkers, Philosophers get my point and look at the eclipse in a more broader view only then can we understand what really causes the eclipse.

   Hence, I request the astronomers to work in the right direction, so we can understand the truth. If I am wrong please correct me and it I am right please give a chance to explain in more detail. My main concern is to bring truth to light.
           --- Dr.Surendra Kumar Jain
