Saturday, September 25, 2010

Nirvaana Shatkam

1. Manobuddhyahankara Chittani Naham
Na Cha Srotrajihve Na Cha Ghrananetre
Na Cha Vyoma Bhumirna Tejo Na Vayuh:
Chidanandarupah!!! Sivoham Sivoham !!!

I am not the petty Mind, I am not the proud intellect;
Neither the mighty Ego, nor the minute thought am I.
Touch and hearing, taste and seeing, I am not these sensual feelings;
Am not the element of earth , Am not the elusive ether; 
Neither the fierce fire, nor the wailing wind am I.
I am Truth, Consciousness, Divine Bliss!
I am The Shiva, The Shiva am I 

2. Na Cha Pranasamjno Na Vai Panchavayur
Na Va Saptadhaturna Va Panchakosah
Na Vak Panipadam Nachopasthapayoo:
Chidanandarupah!!! Sivoham Sivoham!!!

I am not the vigorous breath, I am not the vital airs;
Neither the ailing elements, nor the astral sheaths am I.
Organs of action and chain reaction,
Hands, feet and mouth in conversation,
None of these depraved organs am I.
I am Truth, Consciousness, Divine Bliss,
I am the Shiva, The Shiva am I

3. Na Me Dvesharagau Na Me Lobhamohau
Mado Naiva Me Naiva Matsaryabhavah,
Na Dharmo Na Chartho Na Kamo Na Mokshah:
Chidanandarupah!!! Sivoham Sivoham!!!

I am bound to no worldly attachment
I am averse to no earthly entrapment
Greed, envy, vanity, aversion; These phantoms bind me not to delusion
I aspire not, for duty, nor to acquire property
Not even cherish the desire, for eternal liberty;
Cause I am Truth, Consciousness, Divine Bliss,
I am the Shiva, The Shiva am I

4. Na Punyam Na Papam Na Saukhyam Na Duhkham
Na Mantro Na Tirtham Na Veda Na Yajnah
Aham Bhojanam Naiva Bhojyam Na Bhokta:
Chidanandarupah!!! Sivoham Sivoham!!!

Unaffected by virtue, untouched by vice
I feel no pleasure; I face no pain;
No magic chants empower me; No mystic places purify me
I am not the dogma, nor the doctrines
Or the sacred fire of pilgrims 
I am not the sensuous, I am not the sense 
Sensuality to me is utter nonsense;
Cause I am Truth, Consciousness, Divine Bliss,
I am the Shiva, The Shiva am I

5. Na Mrityur Nashanka Na Me Jatibhedah
Pita Naiva Me Naiva Matascha Janma
Na Bandhurnamitrau Gururnaiva Shishyah:
Chidanandarupah!!! Sivoham Slvoham!!!

Frivolous doubts assail me never, Fear of death banished forever;
No pride of castes, no prejudice of creeds, No father or mother bore me by their deeds
I am no friend, I am no foe;
Neither the Teacher, nor the taught am I;
I am Truth, Consciousness, Divine Bliss,
I am the Shiva, The Shiva am I

6. Aham Nirvikalpo Nirakararupo
Vibhutvatcha Sarvatra Sarvendriyanam
Na Cha Sangatam Naiva Muktirnameyah:
Chidanandarupah!!! Sivoham Sivoham!!!

Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent am I
The unfathomable, inscrutable Shiva am I
I am Truth, Consciousness, Divine Bliss,
I am the Shiva, The Shiva am I

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